Flere og flere oppdager hvor fantastisk det er å gå topptur – som vil si å ta på seg alpinutstyr og sikte seg inn på et fristende, hvitt fjell. …
The mines of Sibelco Nordic on Stjerneøya is placed in a very avalange dangourus area. When the sky opened and dumped down loads of snow, they wisely concluded that a …
When it comes to cross country skiing, Norwegians are kind of special. Practically everybody has cross country skies, and not without a reason. The tracks around the big cities, espesially …
After two years of studies, running with flatter shoes made the foot stronger. No surprise – if you have read Born to Run, about the Tarahumares running around in flat …
Just outside Paris you find one of the top bouldering areas in the world – perfect for grown ups – and perfect for children. – Watch me, mama! Ella (6) …
Planning to touch the Norwegian mountains? You should. They are as beautiful as you may have heard. Up from the fjords they reach towards the sky, violent when the weather …
In the middle of Norway lies the Alps of Romsdalen. A name earned by the wild mountains wich also contains the steepest and highest wall in Europe; the Troll Wall …
Are you lying on the sofa feeling lazy? Here are 15 reasons to slip into the running shoes and get out: Running burns calories. In a fast track you burn …
In the springtime the crags dry up, and it is time to pull the climbing project out of you head and materialize it whith your body. That is; get out …
One of the worlds best mountain runners is the spaniard Kilian Journet. He has won most competitions thats worth winning when it comes to long ditances in the mountains. Now …